For those who are interested in learning about positive reinforcement, practicing some of its major building blocks, and understanding how to use it effectively alone. We’ll discuss the psychology behind R+’s effectiveness in both horses and humans and introduce a few useful tricks like “stay” and “touch” as building blocks for training independently. These can be demonstrated in person at your barn or through live video/Zoom. After we’ve met, I’ll comment on a short video of you training to provide positive feedback.

Does your horse not stand to be mounted? Are they hard to catch, headshy, food-aggressive, or developing stereotypies like cribbing or pacing? I will visit you and your horse in your own environment (remote options available upon request) to take a full history, assess your horse's management, and learn about any problems you are experiencing. I’ll help you find the source of the problem and explain reasons for your horse’s behavior. Then we’ll work together to create an effective, detailed program tailored to suit your specific circumstances, and I will demonstrate effective, low-stress handling techniques to help modify or eliminate behaviors. Many issues can be resolved after one consultation if followed by changes in management; others may need a follow-up visit or training sessions to solve long-term.

60-75 minutes of personalized bodywork for your horse, including any combination of the following modalities: sports massage, Masterson Method, acupressure, K-taping, craniosacral therapy, and neuro-myofascial release.   We’ll discuss your horse’s history, assess their posture and gaits, and use all the information available to create a customized plan for their bodywork. I will carefully release fascial adhesions, loosen tight muscles, and relieve pain and soreness through your horse’s entire body. Balance pads, ceramic therapy, and massage tools may be introduced according to your horse’s needs and preferences. After our session, you will receive a detailed session recap on paper, including a summary of your horse’s current physical state from a massage standpoint and suggestions for future management.