Learn about my services

  • Is your horse grumpy while getting tacked up? Maybe they struggle to maintain a certain canter lead? Or would you just like to know what’s going on inside your horse? I combine a wide variety of different bodywork techniques, including sports massage; myofascial release; kinesiology taping; craniosacral therapy; and more, tailored to your horse’s specific needs. We’ll work together to create a maintenance plan and make sure your horse is in top shape.

  • My training philosophy will help you find new ways to say YES! to your horse, focusing on positive reinforcement and intrinsic motivation to create a happy, capable athlete. Least intrusive, minimally aversive (LIMA) is the code I live by, and your horse’s wellbeing is always at the forefront of my recommendations. Positive reinforcement can be used to teach your horse how to: stand still for mounting, load into a trailer, come when called, target scary objects, receive oral medication, lunge at liberty, and much, much more.

  • Your horse will let you ride, but they bite the air and swish their tail when you go to tighten the girth. They might be hard to catch, or conversely, have a problem with rushing into your personal space. Maybe they’re chronically anxious and spooky, which limits the things you can do and places you can go together. I’m here to help you find and address the root cause of the dysfunction you sense in your horse, whether it’s physical, emotional, or even too difficult to quite pin down. I’ve been on the rollercoaster of rebuilding a horse myself, and want to help you solve problematic behaviors in a way that is simultaneously holistic, compassionate, and effective.

Some Testimonials

“Becca is an amazing horse woman. My horse is a very difficult reactive mare, and Becca is always able to calm her and help keep her mind occupied! Becca is really easy going, patient, and empathic, which translates perfectly into her equine work.”

— Alice

“Becca prioritizes her horse's wellness above all things, and cares deeply for the wellbeing of any equines she meets. She is always learning about new research and methods to improve on her own work. Her growth mindset and passion for welfare make her an excellent caretaker and teacher.”

— Sonya

“After her session with Becca, I rode Opal and she felt great! For one, she wasn't anxious like she has been all week. And she picked up her right lead flawlessly (which we've had trouble with) and with more softness. You definitely helped!”

— Sue

Find more in the About tab

Get in touch

(530) 341-4406

@innercircleequine on Instagram

Servicing Yolo, Sacramento & surrounding counties